"Content is King, but distribution is Queen. And she wears the pants"

These digital downloads are a tool to refer back & are included with your Social ticket.

To help you stay on track, we advise you to go into your calendar and schedule 1 hour time slots to dedicate toward this piece of your business. Starting a daily routine with the Promodoro technique.

25 min work | 5 min break | repeat 2-3x

If you're a morning person, wake up 1 hour earlier. If night time is your best time, give yourself an hour of quiet time to focus on small steps.

Ambrosia Carey

By combining her marketing background and experience as a hairstylist, Ambrosia tripled her salon business, while mentoring hundreds of beauty professionals. Discover the methods Ambrosia has applied toward her financially free journey.

Drea Lecher

Capturing the true essance of tapping into your unique voice, Drea Lecher has mentored beauty professionals & artists world-wide. You will gain communication clarity toward becoming a thought-presenter & leader.

Passion Squared

After several decades in the industry, Nina Kovner will be giving us some insight into how she's been able to help thousands of beauty professionals in their branding message.